Music Entertainment, Social Networking Integration & Monetization
Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
Executive Search Chief Sales Officer / Executive Vice President
Client Global Media and Entertainment Conglomerate.
Based New York, NY
Search Firm Filcro Media Staffing
Officer in Charge Tony Filson
Reporting to Chairman of the Board
Client Situation The executive search committee that retained Filcro Media Staffing consisted of representation from the below media constituencies. The firm was engaged to identify a global CSO/EVP for B2B, B2C & C2C.
Executive Search Committee Media Industry and Sector Inclusion
Television Broadcasting
Motion Picture
Media Ratings Analysis
Music Publishing and Production
Social Networking
Filcro Media Staffing is Retained
Filcro Media Staffing with Tony Filson as Officer in Charge of Search (OIC), met with the ESC and commenced by reestablishing consensus in areas critical to the search coming to fruition at the cadence proposed. Filcro Media Staffing’s experience recruiting similar sales leadership, enabled the board to understand why and where FMS wanted to target universe compilation.
The diversity of the business, technical and creative constituencies on the executive search committee caused debate as to whom the ideal CSO would be. After Filcro Media Staffing presented compensation, media platform variances and competitor's O&D structures from previous searches in NY, CA and IL, the ESC agreed on key criterion to be utilized for universe compilation, they were not aware of previously.
Filcro Media Staffing was provided with a strategic overview of where the board would like to see the firm from a structural, market and revenue perspective within 1-3-5 year increments. TV, OTT, Online, OEM and Mobile platforms were compartmented to assure that the budgets desired were realistic and related experience could be weighted once the final candidates were placed into tiers.
Some of the challenges facing the new CSO / Executive Vice President
Establishing offices in New York. Los Angeles, Chicago, Mexico, South America and Europe
Hiring sales staff and leadership for all offices
Creating a domestic and international sales operations infrastructure
Initiating domestic and global revenue share agreements
Setup digital ad network relationships
Streamline costs associated with business, technical and creative assets
Vendor Partnerships - Content Relationships
Filcro Media Staffing’s Recruitment Solution
Filcro Media Staffing proceeded to Identify the "best in industry" CSO’s; EVP’s and SVP’s from appropriate media environments with a proven record of success in building solid infrastructure of companies with similar revenue generation goals in global digital and broadcast media markets.
As the board had setup 1-3 & 5 year revenue goals it was essential that the CSO had exhibited efficacy in multiple phases of revenue growth in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars at a similar cadence with startups or acquired media assets rolling out with similar distribution across the same combined media platforms.
The board required an expeditious search to meet aggressive revenue projections to enable the acquisition of a competitor's creative assets, the following year.
Successful CSO / EVP Recruited
A CSO / EVP recruited by Filcro Media Staffing had media startup and global media conglomerate sales leadership experience across three substantial media platforms, relevant to the bulk of the hiring company's revenue goals. This executive had led and grown individual teams and media brands in the $20 to $600M USD ranges. This was in excess of the budgets proposed and assured a “cushion”, if ancillary revenue was needed from sources the firm’s current business model did not account for.
From a cultural perspective, the executive was well suited to work with the presidents of each operating group as peers in technology, business, and creative environments. Many knew who this executive was and welcomed revenue leadership from a CSO who had a solid reputation of increasing revenue well above the industry mean building strong domestic and international sales teams.
The new CSO / EVP was quick to setup US and international sales operations and the vendor agreements desired by the board in line with their business plans. The proposed acquisition of media assets was facilitated.
Filcro Media Staffing’s OIC was complemented by the board and their investment bankers for identifying an executive who exceeded their expectations.
Subsequently, Filcro Media Staffing was asked to staff New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami as the CSO built out the front and back-office sales organizations.
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